Катедра по биохимия, молекулна медицина и нутригеномика / Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine and Nutrigenomics
Последно добавени
Screening and Functional Analysis of New Anti-Complement Autoantibodies in the Course of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus // Скрининг и функционален анализ на нови анти-комплементни автоантитела в хода на системен лупус еритематодес
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)The role of autoimmunity and the loss of immune tolerance to own proteins have a significant place in the current ideas about the aetiology and pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The disease is characterized ... -
Research on the Molecular Mechanisms of Sulfur-Containing Mineral Waters from the Varna Basin on Human Metabolism in Regards to Their Usage as a Drinking Remedy // Проучване на молекулните механизми на въздействие на сяросъдържащите минерални води от Варненския басейн върху човешкия метаболизъм с оглед използването им като лечебно питейно средство
(Medical University of Varna, 2020)The purpose of the present research was to study the effects of Varna mineral waters on human metabolism with respect to their potential usage as a drinking remedy. An 8 weeks human intervention study with mineral water ... -
Development of Sambucus Ebulus Fruit Anthocyanin-Enriched Fraction and Study of Its Biological Activity with Respect to Its Application as a Raw Material for Food and Medicinal Remedies Production // Получаване на богат на антоцианини екстракт от плодове на бъзак (Sambucus ebulus) и охарактеризиране на биологичната му активност с оглед използването му като суровина при производството на храни и лечебни средства
(2019)As a medicinal plant since ancient times, Sambucus ebulus has a long history as a part of traditional medicine, as well as in modern pharmacy. The extract and the resulting anthocyanin-rich fraction were characterized with ... -
Association between vitamin D and androgen status in prostate diseases /// Връзка между витамин D и андрогенен статус при заболявания на простатата
(2018)[EN] The aim of this thesis is to determine and compare the vitamin D and androgenic status in men with benign prostate diseases and prostate cancer and study the relationships between androgens and vitamin D with clinical ... -
Study of Mutations and Expression of Genes Correlated to the Appearance of Colorectal Cancer /// Проучване на мутации и експресия на гени, корелиращи с изявата на колоректален карцином
(2017)The aim of the current study was to analyse the mutational profile of RAS oncogene correlated to the expression levels of genes related to energy metabolism, hypoxia and genomic stability, as well as the expression levels ... -
Identification of Biomarkers for Evaluation of Phenotypic Flexibility with Application in Nutritional Studies /// Идентифициране на биомаркери за оценка на фенотипната пластичност с приложение в науката за хранене
(2015)[EN] Modern science describes metabolic health as the ability of an organism to resist to ever changing conditions of the environment. It is considered that the faster and efficient phenotypic adaptation and well maintained ... -
Study of the Metabolic Effects of Water-alcoholic Extracts of Heartwoods with Traditional Use in Bulgaria // Проучване метаболитните ефекти на водно-алкохолни екстракти от дървесини с традиционно приложение в България
(2015)[EN] The interest in the therapeutic potential of Bulgarian medicinal plants in prophylaxis and treatment of various pathological conditions increased in the recent years. Many investigations are focused on the scientific ... -
The antioxidant activity of Bulgarian medicinal plants // Проучване на антиоксидантната активност на български лечебни растения
(2011)[EN] In vitro antioxidant activity of extracts and fractions from 54 medicinal plants with application in Bulgarian traditional medicine is the subject of this study. By analysis of the results obtained, one plant was ... -
Antioxidant activity of Bulgarian medicinal plants and related biological effects // Антиоксидантна активност на български лечебни растения и свързани с нея биологични ефекти
(2013)The dissertation thesis is the first systematic research of Bulgarian medicinal plants in terms of antioxidant potential and its related biological effects. It provides a link between ethnopharmacological data and the ... -
Study of the molecular effects of inhibition of C1q in patients with Lupus Nephritis // Проучване на молекулни ефекти от инхибирането на C1q при болни с лупусен нефрит
(2011)[EN] The subject of this thesis is C1q - recognizing molecule of the classical pathway of the complement system, which interacts with a wide range of target molecules. The main objective of the research is the study of ... -
Study of antioxidant, antiobesity and antidiabetic action of fruit extracts of Sambucus ebulus in vitro and in vivo//Проучване на антиоксидантното, антиобезитното и противодиабетно действие на екстракти от плодове на Sambucus ebulus in vitro и in vivo
(2015)[EN] The goal of the scientific study is to analyze the protective, antioxidant, antiobesity and antidiabetic action of fruit extracts of Sambucus ebulus L. in different experimental models in vitro and in vivo by: 1. ... -
The role of genetic factors and lifestyle relationship to obesity and metabolic syndrome in a sample of Bulgarian population // Проучване ролята на генетични фактори и начина на живот за изявата на затлъстяване и метаболитен синдром в извадка от българската популация
(2015)[EN] The dissertation work was dedicated to obesity – serious problem of high medical and social significance of our time widespread all over the world. Certain genetic risk factors for obesity and metabolic syndrome and ... -
Study of the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects of extracts from Cotinus coggygria in models with experimental animals and cell cultures // Проучване на антиоксидантното,противовъзпалително и противодиабетно действие на екстракти от Cotinus coggygria в експериментални модели с опитни животни и клетъчни култури
(2015)[EN] The aim of the dissertation is to study the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties of Cotinus coggygria by: (1) Determination of the phytochemical composition and the antioxidant activity of the ...