Medical Academic Repository of MU-Varna
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Regulatory Framework Governing the Use of Innovative Technologies for Transplantation in Ophthalmology Considering the Legal Context in Bulgaria and Other European Countries // Правни аспекти на иновативните технологии за трансплантация в офталмологията в светлината на правото в Република България и други европейски страни
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)This thesis presents a detailed legal analysis of the regulatory framework in the Republic of Bulgaria and other EU countries, as well as an assessment of the economic barriers impeding organ donation and transplantation ... -
Apoptosis and Necroptosis in Renal Cell Carcinoma // Апоптоза и некроптоза при бъбречноклетъчен карцином
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)RCC incidence and mortality have shown a constant tendency to increase worldwide over the years. Currently, known standard approaches for renal cell carcinoma treatment are insufficient in some cases due to resistance to ... -
Screening Program for Retinopathy of Prematurity – Regional Application, Results, Perspectives // Скринингова програма за ретинопатия на недоносеното – регионално приложение, резултати, перспективи
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)This thesis focuses on the condition called retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a multifactorial vasoproliferative disease that results from abnormal processes occurring in the immature retina of preterm-born infants. The ... -
Biological Therapy of Anterior Ocular Surface. A Step towards Personalised Ophthalmology // Биологична терапия на предна очна повърхност, крачка към персонализираната офталмология
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)This thesis aims to perform a detailed analysis of a wide range of eye diseases characterised by persistent epithelial defects (PEDs) and to assess the clinical effectiveness of the applied therapeutic approaches. For the ... -
Approach to Uveitis in Bulgaria // Подход към увеити в България
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The study aims to evaluate the socio-demographic characteristics, diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms and complications in patients with uveitis. The study was conducted at the Specialised University Hospital for Eye ...