Академичен архив на Медицински университет – Варна
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Changes in Glial Populations in the Human Telencephalon Following Ischemic Injury // Промени в глиални популации на човешки теленцефалон след исхемична увреда
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)A significant amount of evidence has been accumulated regarding the ability of glial cells to exert both inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects in various pathological conditions. In combination with their proliferation ... -
Pharmacological Investigation with Anethole in an Experimental Model of Obesity // Фармакологични проучвания с анетол в експериментален модел на затлъстяване
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis aims to investigate and summarise the pharmacological activity of monoterpene anethole administered orally in increasing doses to rats in a model of obesity induced by a high-calorie diet. For this purpose, 50 ... -
A Comparative Study of the Effects of Deep Oscillation and Physical Therapy Modalities in Patients with Cervical Spondylosis // Сравнително проучване на ефектите на дълбока осцилация (Deep Oscillation) и някои преформирани физикални фактори при пациенти с шийна остеохондроза
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)This thesis aims to investigate the effect of the combined application of Deep Oscillation and some physical factors and to compare it with a combination of routine physical factors applied to treat patients with cervical ... -
Changes in Water-Electrolyte Balance in Organ Donors with Brain Death and Their Correction in the Intensive Care Unit // Промени във водно-електролитното равновесие при органен донор с мозъчна смърт и корекцията им в интензивната клиника
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)Brain death is a condition of complete and irreversible cessation of all functions of the brain and brainstem while maintaining circulation in the rest of the body. In approximately 80% of organ donors with brain death, ... -
Study of The Properties of Temporary Filling Materials // Изследване на свойствата на материали за временно обтуриране
(Medical University of Varna, 2024)The thesis investigates the properties of temporary obturation materials and their ability to store hard dental tissues (HDT) and seal cavities in multi-visit treatment. Antibacterial qualities, microleakage and sensitising ...